Unlike other streaming devices, you can find an option to clear the cache for each application on Firestick settings. Also, you can also clear up such data by resetting your device to factory defaults. Let us guide you with detailed steps in this article.

What is Cache Data?

A cache data stores temporary files and information required to load your application faster, providing you quick access whenever you launch an application another time. Despite the benefits of cache, it certainly has a few drawbacks. When the data is stored for a longer time, its storage can get full. So, there are higher risks of data corruption. A corrupted cache can make the applications unresponsive and act erratically. Generally, if you experience such problems with Firestick applications, it is time you clear the Cache data.  Therefore, you need to refresh the cache time and again to update the information. Although clearing it might decrease the loading speed of applications, it will definitely troubleshoot the errors. Besides, it will also free up some space on your device.

How to Clear Cache on Fire Stick TV?

Depending on the issue on your device, we have compiled four ways to clear the cache on Firestick. You can start by rebooting your device. Below, we have mentioned an example of clearing the Netflix cache for your reference. Let’s check them out in more detail below.

Reboot Firestick

Firstly, you can reboot your Firestick to clear the cache. This might help you troubleshoot minor errors like existing bugs. So, it should improve if your system lags and enhance performance. However, restarting will not clear the app cache.  The quickest way to restart is using the combination keys of your remote. You can press and hold down the Pause/Play and Select keys together. Besides you can also reboot from the device settings. You can find out the steps given below.

Clear App Cache

On Firestick, you can find each application’s default Clear Cache option. So, you can check out the given steps and repeat them if you wish to clear the cache for all apps.

Reinstall Apps

Reinstalling apps on your Firestick is another way to clear the app cache. However, you can perform it as an alternative when clearing the cache from the default option does not work. Uninstalling Firestick apps will also delete all stored data related to them. Here are the steps for it.

Reset to Factory Defaults

Resetting your Firestick device to factory defaults will also clear cache data. Basically, it erases all the settings and system information. So, you can use this method only as the last viable solution for the existing error. After a reset, you can set up your device and start everything from the beginning. You can follow the given steps.

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